1. Travel Stroller
I debated for the longest time between the UPPAbaby Minu and the Babyzen Yoyo. I eventually decided to go with the Minu, for the following reasons:
Folding - the Minu is much easier to fold. You can fold it with one hand, holding a baby in the other. I went to three different stores to look at strollers, and at all three the sales person fumbled to fold the Yoyo. The Yoyo also requires bending down and using two hands to fold.
Weight limit - the Minu's weight limit is 50lbs compared to the Yoyo which has a 40lbs limit. This means it will last longer.
Storage - the Minu has a larger storage basket. Besides being smaller, the Yoyo's storage basket has a metal rod going through it, which means you can't put larger items in it.
Sun canopy - the Minu's sun canopy provides more coverage.
Wheels - the Minu's wheels seem sturdier.
Customer service - as mentioned in the HAUL section, in my stroller review, UPPAbaby has amazing customer service, including for travel if you use thier travel bag.
Looks - last but not least, I think the Minu is a lot better looking than the Yoyo.
The Minu's main disadvantage over the Yoyo is size. Folded, the Yoyo is significantly smaller than the Minu (20.47 x 17.32 x 7.08in vs. 11.5 x 20.5 x 23in). Relatedly, the Yoyo is recognized as hand luggage with most airlines. From my experience, the Minu fits in larger overhead compartments (such as those of the Boeing 787), but not in all.
Despite the significant difference in size, the Yoyo is only slightly lighter than the Minu (13.6lbs vs. 14.8lbs).
Shortly after I purchased my Minu, Bugaboo released the Bugaboo Ant that looks great. One of the Ant's coolest features is that it can be carried like a trolley when folded (carrying the Minu when folded is a bit annoying). I haven't had a chance to try it yet. Would love to hear your experiences in the comments if you have!
Love​: easy one-handed folding, storage, large sun canopy.
Could do better: size when folded, hard to carry when folded, need to remove back wheels to put into travel bag.
2. Travel Bathtub
Bathing a baby on the go is a bit of a struggle. With young babies, I found it easiest to line the sink with a towel and bathe them in the sink. Once they grow out of the sink, this inflatable travel bathtub is awesome!
Love​: size, portabilty.
Could do better: design (what's with the frogs??).
3. Travel Blackout Shade
Could do better:
4. Pool & Beach Gear
Could do better:
5. On the Go Cleaning Gadgets
Could do better: